
海仲 由美

15 Vocabulary Words for Asking and Giving Directions (British English vs American English) 道を尋ねたり教えるための英単語15(イギリス英語・アメリカ英語)

1. apartment/flat マンション

– a set of rooms for living and generally located in one building occupied by more than one household 一つの建物内に一世帯以上の住居が入っている建物 American English: apartment (/əˈpɑːrt.mənt/)アパートメント British English: flat (/flæt/)フラット  

2. parking lot/ car park 駐車場

– an outside area where you can leave cars or other vehicles for a period of time 車や他の乗り物を止めることができる外にある敷地 American English: parking lot (/ˈpɑːr.kɪŋ ˌlɑːt/) British English: car park (/ˈkɑː ˌpɑːk/)  

3. drugstore or pharmacy/ chemist’s 薬局

– a shop where you can buy medicines, make-up, and other things such as chocolate 薬や化粧品やチョコレートなどを買うことができるお店 American English: drugstore (/ˈdrʌɡ.stɔːr/ or pharmacy (/ˈfɑːr.mə.si/) British English: chemist’s or chemist (/ˈkem.ɪst/)

4. (movie) theater/ cinema 映画館

– a theatre where people pay to watch films お金を払って映画を観る場所 American English: movie theater (/ˈmuː.vi ˌθiː.ə.t̬ɚ/) British English: cinema (/ˈsɪn.ə.mə/)  

5. downtown/ city centre or town centre 都心部

– the main or central part of a city or town 市や町の主要部分 American English: downtown (/ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/) British English: city centre (/ˌsɪt.i ˈsen.tər/ or town centre /taʊn ˈsen.tər /)  

6. crosswalk/ pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing 横断歩道

– a place on a road, especially one where there is a lot of traffic, across which wide, black and white lines are painted, and at which vehicles must stop to allow people to walk across the road 道路にあり、特に交通量が多く広い道に白と黒の線が描かれている。人々が横断歩道をわたる際は乗り物は止まらなくてはいけません。 American English: crosswalk (/ˈkrɑːs.wɑːk/) British English: pedestrian crossing (/pəˌdes.tri.ən ˈkrɒs.ɪŋ/ or zebra crossing  /ˌzeb.rə ˈkrɒs.ɪŋ/)  

7. expressway or highway/ motorway 高速道路

– a wide road for fast-moving traffic, especially one in the US that goes through a city, with a limited number of places at which drivers can enter and leave it 早く移動するための広い道路、特にイギリスではシティーを通って限られた数の場所に入ったり出たりできる American English: expressway (/ɪkˈspres.weɪ/) or highway /ˈhaɪ.weɪ/) British English: motorway  (/ˈməʊ.tə.weɪ/)  

8. overpass/ flyover 歩道橋

– a bridge that carries a road or railway over another road 道路や線路の上にある橋 American English: overpass  (/ˈoʊ.vɚ.pæs/) British English: flyover  (/ˈflaɪˌəʊ.vər/)/ˈflaɪˌəʊ.vər/ /ˈflaɪˌəʊ.vər/  

9. main street/ high street 大通り

– a street where the most important stores and businesses in a town are 街中で一番栄えている道路 American English: main street (/ˌmeɪn ˈstriːt/) British English: high street  (/ˈhaɪ ˌstriːt/)  

10. intersection/ junction 交差点

– the place where two or more roads join or cross each other 2つやそれ以上の道が交差している場所 American English: intersection  (/ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈsek.ʃən/) British English: junction  (/ˈdʒʌŋk.ʃən/)

11. sidewalk/ pavement 歩道

– a path with a hard surface on one or both sides of a road, that people walk on 舗装された道路の片側または両側にある人々が歩くための道 American English: sidewalk  (/ˈsaɪd.wɑːk/) British English: pavement  (/ˈpeɪv.mənt/)  

12. telephone booth/ phone box 公衆電話

– a partly enclosed area where there is a public phone, in a public building or on the street 公共の建物に入ってたり、道路にある公共の電話 American English: telephone booth  (/ˈtel.ə.foʊn ˌbuːθ/) British English: phone box  (/ˈfəʊn ˌbɒks/)  

13. streetcar/ tram 路面電車

– an electric vehicle that transports people, usually in cities, and goes along metal tracks in the road 通常はシティーにあり、人々が移動する際に使う電気の乗り物 American English: streetcar  (/ˈstriːt.kɑːr/) British English: tram (/træm/)  

14. subway/ underground (railway) 地下鉄

– a railway system in which electric trains travel through tunnels below ground 地下にあるトンネルを通る電気鉄道の鉄道網 American English: subway (/ˈsʌb.weɪ/) British English: underground (/ˈsʌb.weɪ/)  

15. underpass/ subway 地下道

– a road or path that goes under something such as a busy road, allowing vehicles or people to go from one side to the other 交通量の多い道路の下などにある乗り物や人々が一方の側から他方へ行くことのできる道 American English: underpass  (/ˈʌn.dɚ.pæs/) British English: subway  (/ˈsʌb.weɪ/)     いかがだったでしょうか? それではまた☆]]>




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海仲 由美
