【HLCAで医療英語を学びませんか?】 医療専門の英語学校・看護留学のHLCAは、医療英語を学ぶことができたり、 海外ボランティアを通じ海外医療について学ぶことができる語学学校です。
「医療英語を最短で習得したい」 「海外医療現場の経験を積みたい」 という方は以下からお問い合わせください!
L and R Video Lesson Script
Hi, my name is Cha and this is your English pronunciation lesson. Most non-native speakers, especially Japanese and Koreans, find it difficult hearing and differentiating the L and R consonant sounds. Or simply the letters L and R. Thus, also making it hard for them to produce these sounds clearly.
In this video lesson, we are going to practice producing the L and R consonant sounds. These two sounds are very different, but if you focus and master the mouth position, you can produce these sounds clearly.
Now the difference in producing these two sounds lies in the position of the tip of your tongue. In producing the L sound, or the letter L, move your tongue forward, pressing the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth. Or sometimes the tongue comes through the teeth. So [lllll].
On the other hand, in producing the R sound, or the letter R, the tip of your tongue is down while the middle or the back part is raised at the roof of your mouth or against the insides of your top teeth. So, [rrrr]. It’s very important to remember that your tongue DOES NOT touch the roof of your mouth.
In short, in producing the L sound, your tongue is up and forward, while in producing the R sound your tongue is down and further back inside your mouth.
Now let’s practice pronouncing the L sound, or the letter L. Listen and repeat. Lamp. Lent. Light. Alert. Dally. Faulty. Sail. Coral. Deal.
Now let’s move to pronouncing the R sound or the letter R. Listen and repeat. Ramp. Rent. Road. Diary. Marry. Sorry. Bear. Fear. Hair.
After practicing the individual sounds, it’s good to practice differentiating the two sounds through these minimal pairs. Listen and repeat.
Alive-Arrive Light-Right Glass-Grass Collect-Correct Loom-Room Belly-Berry
Let’s try pronouncing the L and R inside sentences. Larry said the lamp was light. Larry said the lamp was right. The river froze in the mountains. The river flows in the mountains.
For more practice, you can try these tongue twisters in front of a mirror so you can observe the position of your mouth. Lick the red lolly, lick the yellow lolly. Red lorry, yellow lorry.
I hope you enjoyed and learned something from this video. Stay tuned for more video lessons. Bye bye!
このビデオではLとRの子音の発音を練習します。 この二つの発音には大きな違いがあります。発音する際の口のかたちに注目し、身に着ければこのふたつの発音がはっきりとできるようになります。
さて、これらを発音する際の違いは舌の先の位置にあります。Lを発音する際は舌の先で口内のうわあご(前歯の裏の付け根あたり)を押すように向かわせます。時には舌先が前歯の裏を通ります。 一方Rの発音は舌先を下に下げて、舌の真ん中より後ろの部分はうわあごに近づけます。または舌先を歯と反対の方向に向かわせます。大切なことは舌先を決して上あごにつけないことです。まとめとしてLは舌が上に向かって、Rは舌は下から口の奥へ向かわせます。
それではRとLの発音練習を始めましょう。聞いて繰り返してみてください。 Lの音 Lamp. Lent. Light. Alert. Dally. Faulty. Sail. Coral. Deal. Rの音 Ramp. Rent. Road. Diary. Marry. Sorry. Bear. Fear. Hair.
次にそれぞれの音を練習した後は単語のペアを使ってふたつの音を区別して練習していきます。聞いて繰り返してください。 alive-arrive light-right glass-grass collect-correct loom-room belly-berry
LとRが入った文章の練習をしましょう。 Larry said the lamp was light. Larry said the lamp was right. The river froze in the mountains. The river flows in the mountains.
早口言葉で練習してみましょう。 Lick the red lolly, lick the yellow lolly. Red lorry, yellow lorry.